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Civil religion in the UK, Canada, Australia and the Commonwealth

By Norman Bonney,
Manchester University Press, October 2013

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Thursday, 8 December 2011

Secularists Defend Religious Freedom - Letter in Edinburgh Evening News

Martin Hannan criticises the National Secular Society for taking out a legal test case to clarify the law regarding prayers at council meetings.
Tony Benn had the right attitude on this question when addressing the Scottish Parliament in its Time for Reflection on 19 March 2008 when he said ' I believe churches, mosques, synagogues and temples should be kept absolutely separate from the state'.

Secularists are actually strong defenders of the freedom of religion. People should be free to practice their religion so long as they do not attempt to impose it on others. We elect people to represent us. Non-elected religious people should have no special place in the workings of government, local or central.