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Civil religion in the UK, Canada, Australia and the Commonwealth

By Norman Bonney,
Manchester University Press, October 2013

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Friday, 23 August 2013

Worries over a free press in Scotland

Reports today from a former Scottish Roman Catholic bishop confirm, what has been clearly apparent in recent weeks - that the church hierarchy in Scotland has consistently blocked inquiries into sexual and related abuses in the church.

But there are also deep concerns as to why these matters have only recently been reported by the Scottish press. Much of the Scottish press held the Roman Catholic Church in awe and was reluctant to publicise negative news about the Church for fear of being considered sectarian.

It took the London press to break the near blanket self-censorship of criticism of the Church by the Scottish press and media. 

Congratulations to the Observer for breaking the story and for continuing coverage, and to the Scottish press for being brave and following its lead.

Valid public criticism of the Church must not be confused with religious hatred.

Too often the Scottish press has simply regurgitated to Scottish readers the handouts from the Church's previously powerful press office.

There thus are justifiable fears over the possible power of the Roman Catholic Church in a nominally independent Scotland should Scottish voters decide to back this course in next year's referendum.

The Roman Catholic Church in Scotland under the leadership of now disgraced and exiled Cardinal Keith O'Brien has been a clear supporter of devolution and Scottish independence since it expects, in an independent Scotland, to be a big fish in a small pond..